Laurie, Colorado / USA

Six good friends over 40 years finally got to do the barge trip of a lifetime, after COVID 19 delaying us for 3 Octobers… Worth every moment of waiting !!

The crew, food, wine, barge, and ambiance was beyond belief. Captain Alex was a pro, Sylvain an unbelievable Chef, Nono (or Oui Oui :-), an accommodating and fun driver, and Callum a steward « extraordinaire » – All lots of fun ! Interesting and unique excursions made for some special days. Soon well be back in Colorado and going on our DIETS !!

October 2022

Dee, California / USA

Thank you for the wonderful week on La Vie en Rose ! We couldn’t have asked for a better crew to show us the sights. It was a pleasure to spend this week with you ! Thanks again !

September 2022

Bruce, Colorado /USA

If you come near Boston or Colorado please call so we can attempt to reciprocate such wonderful hospitality. This wonderful barge lowers ones blood pressure. Thank you so very much !

September 2022

Augusta, Colorado / USA

Words can not express the gratitude we fell for you all after giving us the experience and a life time ! We truly loved every aspect of our trip – even walking the bike with a flat tire 🙂 Alex, you have assembled a  » Well oiled machine » especially effective when you had to keep « herding cats »(private joke). Enjoy the rest of the season ! Cheers !

September 2022

Delia, New York City / USA

Thank you for a wonderful week of great service, lovely accommodations, delicious food and wine, expert navigation, great company, and a memorable experience !

July 2022

Bill & Caryn, Missouri / USA

Thank you ! Thank you to each one of the crew for giving us a truly unforgettable week onboard ! You each were commited to providing the best possible personal experience. When you are passionate about your work and craft and love doing it, it shows…and it showed itself over and over during the past week. We were (are) the fortunate and grateful recipients ! Gratefully.

July 2022

Bob & Gini, Missouri / USA

Dear Crew : After weeks of trains multiple short stays and many hectic moves, we landed amoung your family for a whole welcome week ! Captain Alex, Chef Sylvain, Léa and Nono : you guys blessed us with a wonderfully diverse week of food, wine, desserts, vine, meal after meal, day after day; each meal a surprise and delight ! Thank you all so much for the magic bus tours and adventures. Day after day, treat after treat ! You all kept us laughing, shared special wine, and recipies with us, and made our visit relaxing in so many ways, everyday, from safe travel through the locks to wonderful little hand-made flowers and napkins to made-to-order eggs and other treats and Lea’s and Nono’s thoughtfull care to meet all our needs and wants ! Merci ! Merci ! Merci ! We love you Guys !

July 2022

John, Nadine, Ottawa / Canada

It was incredible. The crew was amazing; kind, helpful, amusing entertaining. Thank you Léa, Sylvain and Nono. Alex was a gentleman and superb host. I ‘ll always think of him dancing at the wheel as we went through the lock clearly. The wine and food was beyond expectation. Getting to know the region, life on a barge, tasting and experiencing the business of wine. So much learned and we will be cherished. Words are inadequate to express how much this trip meant to us. Our memories are full of pleasant thoughts.

June 2022

Patti, Midland – Michigan / USA

Oh La Vie en Rose – Thank you for an amazing experience. You provide care, guidance, kindness and a gastronomie experience ! Everyday we were cared for and guided to discoveries in local culture, wines and fabulous food. Thank you for the relaxed a lovely experience .

June 2022

Althea, Anne, Rose, Alain, Richard, Robert / England-Scotland-France-Spain-Sweden !

Very old friends from England, Scotland, Spain and Sweden met on « La Vie en Rose » for a great week and they left after a week with new friends : Alex, Emma, Léa even …Nono! Merci vous nous avez donné une semaine pleine de joie, de plaisir, de bons vins, bonne table et pleine de rires, beaucoup plus que ce que nous espérions et attendions. A la manoeuvre pour le future… Un fuerte abrazo de nous tous à vous tous sur La vie en Rose !!

Juin 2022